Frequent Questions

What is the NDIS? What does it do?

The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme and it provides financial support to people with disabilities.  This is always provided on the basis of an assessment of each individual’s specific needs.

What is the NDIA? What does it do?

The NDIA is the National Disability Insurance Agency and its role is to implement the NDIS, and all of the supports and services that the NDIS provides.

Am I eligible to access the NDIS?

Important information about NDIS eligibility criteria can be found at the following website:-

How do I apply to access the NDIS?

Important information about applying to access the NDIS can be found at the following website:-

What are NDIS pricing guidelines?

Reset N Thrive  uses official NDIS price guides and pricing guidelines to dictate its own pricing.

Important information about NDIS price guides and pricing guidelines can be found at the following website:- and pricing

Also, you can call the NDIS directly with information on our Contact  page or, for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impediment, the National Relay Service offers a better alternative:-

How do I book supports & services?

There are two ways by which you can request my supports and services:- 

a) as a NDIS Participant & clicking on BOOK NOW
b) as a PRIVATE CLIENT & clicking on BOOK NOW

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